【想搵eCommerce Intern必睇】HKTVMall – Elite Internship Program 2024 (Summer)
Year 1-3嘅同學仔係唔係好頭痕唔知暑假搵咩intern好呢?想返份學到嘢嘅,但係計落好似搵份part time人工會高啲。又想搵份大公司仲要人工唔差嘅Intern的話,就唔好錯過HKTV嘅暑假精英實生計劃啦!
參加HKTV嘅精英實習生有機會可以了解到電子商貿行業嘅實際運作,仲有mentor帶住你邊學邊做,等你可以好好裝備自己!佢哋今年有8個部門都會開放實習生職位,例如eCommerce Marketing/Finance/Merchant Relationship/O2O shop/Wet Market Express/Business Development/Talent Management/Warehouse Operation,無論你喺咩學科出身,都一定有適合嘅地方!另外佢哋仲會提供返月薪$10,000比實習生,返intern學到嘢之餘仲可以有唔錯嘅收入!
仲有仲有,表現優異嘅實習生下年參加MT或者GT Program嘅最終面試時會有得加分架!仲唔快啲把握機會,係把握機會係2024年2月18前報名啦!
What You will be Doing
The key objective of the Elite Summer Internship Program is to develop and foster the potential undergraduate student to explore an extraordinary career path in e-Commerce world and become the pipeline of our key positions after graduation. During the summer internship, you would have networking opportunities and mentorship from the leadership team, on-the-job training, and take up the role in the assigned department which develops you readily for career progression in commercial field, whilst team attachment experience allows you to enhance your skills in real working environment context and obtain invaluable guidance from e-commerce experts.
You will be assigned to one of the following functions, including Ecommerce Marketing, Finance, Merchant Relationship, O2O Operation, Wet Market Express, Business Development, Talent Management, and Warehouse operation.
By applying for our summer internship, you will gain valuable hands-on experience, develop essential skills, and have a unique opportunity to showcase your potential. This internship serves as a road to success, leading you closer to the dynamic and rewarding roles of our graduate trainee or management trainee. Outstanding performance in the summer internship program leads to advancement to the next year final stage of MT/GT selection.
Program Period : 3 June – 31 August 2024
Here are the descriptions of the functions:
1. Ecommerce Marketing
Our Marketing Team is dedicated to driving brand awareness and generating impactful marketing campaigns for the general HKTVmall apps. We develop targeted strategies across various channels, including digital marketing, social media, and content creation. By leveraging data analytics and market insights, we continuously optimize our campaigns to maximize engagement, increase lead generation, and drive revenue growth.
2. Finance
The finance department plays a crucial role in our group’s operations. We are responsible for financial planning, budgeting, financial analysis, cash flow management, financial reporting, and ensuring regulatory compliance.
3. Merchant Relationship
The Merchant Partnership department serves as the core connection between over 5,000 merchants and various stakeholders. Our mission is to introduce as many products as possible, at the best value, to the markets that we serve. We also work with global suppliers to source the best products directly from around the world. Our team plays an important role in key projects that deal with merchants, such as the 3PL and ThePlace projects.
4. O2O Operation
O2O Team is responsible for three key business functions: providing convenient pickup service, allowing customers to collect their purchases from HKTVmall, and handling POS sales. By fulfilling the first 2 business functions, our O2O team creates a physical presence for our customers, which is crucial to focus on new customer acquisition and retention.
5. Wet Market Express
Wet Market Express department is responsible for the key project: the Wet Market. The Wet Market Express team is committed to offering customers a convenient way to purchase fresh food with the added benefits of “the same price as Wet Markets” and “delivery within 3 hours.” This new service aims to expand customers’ online shopping options and attract a new customer segment.
6. Business Development
The Business Development department’s core function is to identify and capitalize on new business opportunities by conducting market research, analyzing consumer trends, and developing strategic marketing plans. Our target audiences are not only Hong Kong customers, but also potentially expand to overseas markets with our new foreign delivery services.
7. Talent Management
Our TM Team is dedicated to a wide range of HR functions and acts as a key role between HKTV and employees by overseeing employment processes such as Compensation and Benefits, HR Operation and System, Employee Relations ,and Company Policy. We aim to serve and provide professional advice to our employees. We also provide structure and guidance for team leaders and employees to ensure consistency and fairness in decision-making.
8. Warehouse operation
The Warehouse Administration team strives to offer comprehensive support to ensure efficient and exceptional operations in the E-commerce warehouse. We oversee and handle all machinery, equipment, and materials within the warehouse, monitoring daily operations for compliance with regulations and company policies. We collaborate with external partners, including security companies, cleaning service providers, and RMAA contractors.
Job Requirement
(1)Undergraduate students from well-recognized universities
(2)Outgoing, presentable, and enthusiastic with a strong sense of responsibility and act persistently to drive results
(3)With remarkable endurance and courage to face new challenges
(4)Strong presentation and negotiation skill
(5)Good command of spoken and written English and Cantonese
(6)Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

- 滿足不同經濟需要:交學費、交Hall Fee、還卡數、買電腦、學車、創業
- 任何本地大專院校學生均可申請
- 申請只需2份文件(學生證+身份證),毋需收入證明
- 月平息一律低至 0.84%*
- 最快即日批核
- 全程網上申請貸款及確認過數
- 隨時提早還款,0手續費0罰息
大專生很多時候急需資金周轉交學費,但政府學資處的貸款計劃又未能及時批核。因此,uFinance 根據過往同學們的良好還款紀錄,不斷簡化申請程序,申請只需「學生證+身份證」,申請成功率高達95%,全程網上快捷辦妥,貼合同學需要。