【運動品牌要人】Puma-Product Development Sourcing Solutions Intern
熱愛運動嘅同學如果想搵份Intern可以寓興趣於工作嘅話,不如考慮報名PUMA嘅Product Development Sourcing Solutions Intern啦!
(1)Day-to-day maintenance of automation/system activities and resolution of system defects
(2)Assist in building digital tools for the Sourcing business to enhance efficiency and support the daily operations in the evolving landscape
(3)Support and maintain streamlined automation solutions and resolve process-related pain-points
(4)Perform deep-dive data analysis to extract insight to identify opportunities for analytics project
(5)Document workflows and automation process for better governance and management
(1)Bachelor’s degree in any discipline
(2)Experience with process automation tools such as Microsoft Power Automate, Excel, VBA, UiPath, Power BI, Python
(3)Always striving for the best
(4)Good communication skills, presentation and interpersonal skills
(5)Good command of English
(6)Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills
(7)Detail-minded, logical thinking and high accuracy
(8)Team-player with a joyful approach to work and a passion for Sports

- 滿足不同經濟需要:交學費、交Hall Fee、還卡數、買電腦、學車、創業
- 任何本地大專院校學生均可申請
- 申請只需2份文件(學生證+身份證),毋需收入證明
- 月平息一律低至 0.84%*
- 最快即日批核
- 全程網上申請貸款及確認過數
- 隨時提早還款,0手續費0罰息
大專生很多時候急需資金周轉交學費,但政府學資處的貸款計劃又未能及時批核。因此,uFinance 根據過往同學們的良好還款紀錄,不斷簡化申請程序,申請只需「學生證+身份證」,申請成功率高達95%,全程網上快捷辦妥,貼合同學需要。