【對Marketing有興嘅唔該入一入嚟】Richemont Asia Pacific Limited – Marketing Intern

Marcus Lee | 01/07/2020

Richemont喺瑞士起家,由2004年起成為營業額世界第二大奢侈品公司。佢哋嘅業務除咗包括珠寶、手錶、皮具,仲有時裝同高級書寫工具等,旗下品牌包括有Chloé、Cartier 同Montblanc。宜家佢哋亞太區分部就請緊Marketing Intern,主要負責digital marketing projects、搞internal events同分析market intelligence等等。鐘意digital marketing 嘅你就一定要試試佢啦!

Job Highlights

  • Exposure to Luxury Retail industry
  • Regional exposure on group level
  • Coordination with maisons across markets
Company Description:
“Richemont owns some of the world’s leading luxury goods Maisons,with particular strengths in jewellery, fine watches and premium accessories. Each Maison represents a proud tradition of style, quality and craftsmanship andRichemont seeks to preserve the heritage and identity of each of its Maisons. At the same time, we are committed to innovation and designing new products which are in keeping with our Maisons’ values, through a process of continuous creativity.”
Description of the department
The Group Marketing Department aims to support the Group and its Maisons in order to nurture their marketing development. In accomplishing this, the department is divided into five sub-departments, each with its area of expertise: strategic planning, consumer insights, competitor intelligence, media and public relations.The Richemont Group Marketing APAC department in Hong Kong fosters closer collaboration among Asia-Pacific subsidiaries and headquarters.

What you will learn
– To assist in – Integrated Communications projectsDesk researches and compiling data to create presentationsAnalysis for market intelligence and digital marketing projectsInternal Events’ organizations and ad-hoc support in admin
– Be able to work independently in display and uniforms coordination
– Be able to work in a team in order to develop and execute plans for guideline implementation and monitoring
– Build up knowledge in marketing and communications
– Passionate, detailed mind, proactive
– Team motivated and willing to take up responsibility
– Proficient in PowerPoint, Excel, MS office is a must
– A strong interest and understanding in digital and Chinese social media landscape would be an advantage
– Strong command of written and spoken English and Mandarin
– Minimum of 6 months duration

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