【Winter Intern】SHINEWING Environmental, Social and Governance Department
SHINEWING係香港十大會計師事務所之一,依家請人處理building energy同sustainability方面嘅事務。
– Conduct sustainability or ESG reporting, including stakeholder engagement activities
– Develop sustainability and carbon management products which include corporate ESG reporting, sustainability and carbon assessments, verification and communication
– Lead and carry out building energy/ carbon audits and energy simulation
– Develop guidelines and procedures to enhance the building services system quality and meet the long term sustainability and energy reduction targets
– Undertake business development including business marketing, client networking and partnership building
– Develop client proposals, product brochures and deliver presentations to senior management
– A bachelor’s degree in Environmental Studies (engineering, science or management), or other relevant disciplines
– Good command of English and Chinese, and fluency in Putonghua
– Excellent interpersonal skill and able to work under pressure
– A responsible person, enjoy multiple tasks and meeting deadlines
Around 4 months (Dec 2019/ Jan 2020 – April 2020)
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