【Benz請人】HR / IT Internship
大家都識Benz,有無諗過可以入去返工呢?依家佢地請緊HR同IT嘅Full-time Intern,不妨試吓〜
1. HR Internship
The duration of this internship is 6 months to 1 year (full-time). Full commitment to the internship period is expected.
– Equip real-life work experience in supporting HR Operations
– Valuable insight in a pioneering company
– Better identification of future career objective
– Take part in projects assignment.
– Extend network with experience professionals
– Undergraduate student or Fresh Graduate in all disciplines
– Self-motivated, detail-minded and strong sense of responsibility
– Independent as well as a good team player
– Proficient in MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint
– Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese
2. IT Internship
The duration of this internship is 6 Months (full-time). Full commitment to the internship period is expected.
– Take part in projects assignments
– Equip real-life work experience
– Valuable insight in a pioneering company
– Better identification of future career objective
– Extend network with experience professionals
Undergraduate student or Fresh Graduate in IT or related disciplines
Hands-on programming experience in SQL
Experience with MS SQL Server in order to facilitate reporting, business intelligence, data warehouse and data reconciliation
Strong sense of accountability with good analytical skills
Self-motivated and detail-minded
Independent as well as a good team player
Proficient in MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint
Good command of spoken and written English and Chinese
到此申請,附上履歷表及申請信,註明申請HR / IT internship及可以入職的internship period。

- 滿足不同經濟需要:交學費、交Hall Fee、還卡數、買電腦、學車、創業
- 任何本地大專院校學生均可申請
- 申請只需2份文件(學生證+身份證),毋需收入證明
- 月平息一律低至 0.84%*
- 最快即日批核
- 全程網上申請貸款及確認過數
- 隨時提早還款,0手續費0罰息
大專生很多時候急需資金周轉交學費,但政府學資處的貸款計劃又未能及時批核。因此,uFinance 根據過往同學們的良好還款紀錄,不斷簡化申請程序,申請只需「學生證+身份證」,申請成功率高達95%,全程網上快捷辦妥,貼合同學需要。